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New York Apple Core Wins in Overtime

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New York Apple Core Wins in Overtime

The New York Apple Core defeated the Woodbridge Wolfpack 4-3 on Wednesday, with Ryan Nichols scoring the game winning goal in overtime.

Gavin Ni chols opened scoring for the Apple Core in the first period off of assists from Dylan Boening and Alexander Wanner. Brendan McMahon extended the lead in the second period with a powerplay goal off assists from Christian Martirano and Ryan Nichols. Ryan Nichols increased the lead to 3 with an unassisted tally late in the period before Jason Lonczynski struck back with a goal of his own to tie it up heading into overtime.

After nearly a full overtime period of unanswered play, Ryan Nichols again came through, burying an unassisted powerplay goal to cap off a remarkable 4-3 win for the Apple Core.