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Nassau County Lions Win Game in Overtime - Kourounis, Pnacek, and Chiodi Score Goals

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Nassau County Lions Win Game in Overtime - Kourounis, Pnacek, and Chiodi Score Goals

The Nassau County Lions defeated the Northwest Icehawks 4-3 in an exciting overtime win! Manoli Kourounis kicked off the game with a powerplay goal at the 01:02:53 mark of the first period. He followed up with a second goal at 01:08:34, assisted by Shane Hellemeyer. The Icehawks answered back with a goal by David Mullen at 01:13:09 and Jacob Pnacek at 02:02:24 with Patrick Sarsfield stitching up the assist. Joseph Chiodi was able to seal the victory for the Lions in overtime with goals from Kourounis and Schwartz helping out on the assist. Manoli Kourounis had an impressive day on offense, raising his total goals this season to 22 after starting off before the game with 20!