Sports Editors

Catalina Wine Mixers Outlast Horrorwood Henchmen

Catalina Wine Mixers Outlast Horrorwood Henchmen
The Catalina Wine Mixers outpaced the Horrorwood Henchmen 8 to 5 in an exciting match on Saturday night. The Mixers broke away early with 4 unanswered goals, scored by Collin Jacobs, Michal Catapano, Mark Peterson and Frank Juliano. The Henchmen battled back in a hard fought effort, but were unable to make up the deficit. Goals by Doucet, McAleavey, Mango and Signoretti werent enough to catch up with the formidable offense of the Wine Mixers. Mike Giaimis made several strong saves in net for the Henchmen, but was unable to stop 8 goals from getting past him. Stefan Rosner served as goaltender for the victorious Catalina Wine Mixers and saw only 5 goals come past him all night for a victory that delights their fans.