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Nassau County Lions Win Thrilling Match

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Nassau County Lions Win Thrilling Match

The Nassau County Lions went into an intense match against the Arrows Hockey, with the result of a thrilling victory 3-2.

The first goal was sco red at 01:03:13 by Ari Sauer, jersey 11, immense efforts and commitment was shown to get that important goal early in the game. Aiden Shochat, jersey 13 continued the scoring run with a goal at 01:08:24. At 02:07:58 Brayden Henn kicked off a three-point play assisted by Michael Viverito and Tristan Arzuza, making it the game winning goal for the Lions.

The Arrows weren’t giving up there and had their own run, Frankie Smart got a power play goal at 03:08:36 and Sean Soper followed up soon after 03:09:05. However it wasn’t good enough as Ari Sauer added another score to make the score 3-2 in the Lions favour before time ran out.

This served as an important victory for Nassau County who continue to push their way towards winning the championship this season.