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Charleston Stingrays 14U Diamond Win with Goals from Cayden Matson, Matteo Russo and Chase McCoy

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Charleston Stingrays 14U Diamond Win with Goals from Cayden Matson, Matteo Russo and Chase McCoy

Sports News Article:

The Charleston Stingrays 14U Diamond recorded an 8-6 win in their hockey game thanks to goals from Cayden Matson, Matteo Ru sso and Chase McCoy. Matson scored in the first period for the first goal of the game and became the game-winning goal. Russo scored in the first period and added two more during the second and third periods to contribute a total of four goals. McCoy added three goals, two in the third period, ensuring the win. Assists came from Brody Renaud on one of Russos goals and Matson on another one of his goals. The Stingrays had a great showing with a well rounded offense that dominated play. Congratulations to their hard work!